FBI Supplies "Dummy Christmas Tree" Bomb in Portland: Mohamed Osman Mohamud Pleads Not Guilty for "Dummy Bomb" Labeled a Weapon of Mass Destruction

We are finding out the FBI supplied the "dummy bomb" that was placed in downtown Portland on Friday night during a Christmas Tree lighting. So the United States government is carrying out fake acts of terrorism, which is the story told here as the bomb was explained as an "elaborate fake." While Mohamed Osman Mohamud is no saint, you have to ask why is the United States government willing to go this far to set someone up and what will be the repercussions of their acts?

Will we lose more freedom as they play these false-flag terrorism games in hoping of setting someone up? Will it enrage real terrorists with real bombs to carry out similar bombings as retribution for setting this kid up? There are some serious issues that could come out of this as the federal government continues to tighten down on its people, convincing them security is worth a little loss of freedom.

I seriously don't like the idea that our FBI is setting up fake bombs to entrap young radicals because I think the ultimate loser here is liberty and freedom. Then of course, there is that term weapons of mass destruction as now a dummy bomb has been labeled weapon of mass destruction.