Dick Morris Points out Hillary Clinton's Diplomatic Spy WIkiLeaks Reminds of Her Past

Dick Morris has something interesting to say about Hillary Clinton and WikiLeaks. As the Obama administration denies Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked diplomats to moonlight as spies, which the WikiLeaks show, Morris reminds of Hillary's past to show Hillary is quite capable of the actions found in the leaks.

The WikiLeaks documents show that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has, as Voltaire said about the Bourbon kings of France, learned nothing and forgotten nothing. Her request that American diplomats at foreign postings and the United Nations gather personal data about their foreign counterparts is eerily reminiscent of her use of private detectives to unearth negative information on those who were politically inconvenient during the husband’s campaigns for president and his White House tenure.

At the time, I called these operatives, the “secret police.” Now, apparently, we call them the “diplomatic corps.”

Remember, Morris was well placed in both Bill Clinton's campaigns for president. Morris continues:

The WikiLeaks documents show that you can not only not teach an old dog new tricks, but you can’t stop her from doing the ones she has always done.