Billy Long Disappointed More Republican Freshmen Didn't Attend What Tom Delay Called a Tax Funded Boondongle

Fed up with wasteful federal spending Billy Long tweets today that he is disappointed in his fellow freshmen Republicans, like Vicky Hartzler, they didn't participate in Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

If you need to know what an uninformed hypocrite Billy Long is, look no further than this statement. Throughout this freshman orientation, I have heard more and more people describe Billy Long as a tourist screaming "look at me, look at me." This second part of optional freshman orientation is no different. Let's not forget this is the candidate who said he was fed up with Washington and fed up with wasteful spending.

Could it be that some of the Republican freshman are actually really fed up with wasteful spending and didn't feel the need to participate in a program Tom Delay described as a "tax funded boondoggle?" Kudos for those Republicans for not going and spending more tax dollars! Billy Long obviously doesn't get it, because he is too eager to be the center of attention (class clown). Let me refresh Billy Long's memory.

On April 29, 1992, Tom DeLay stood up on the House floor and decried a 'tax-funded boondoggle' that sent freshman members of Congress to Harvard for a seminar. 'Yes,' DeLay asserted, 'the congressional freshman orientation at Harvard doesn't cost millions of dollars. But even the thousands of dollars of tax money used for this congressional boondoggle sets a bad example for new Members of Congress.' Instead, DeLay urged, 'grass-roots organizations' should conduct orientations at no cost to the American taxpayer. The organizations DeLay named were" the Coalition for America, the Council for National Policy, Free Congress Foundation, and Free the Eagle," Sarah Posner wrote February 21, 2005, for The Gadflyer.