Sarah Steelman Looks Like the GOP's Who's Next Candidate for US Senate

Getting close to many of the candidates for the Missouri 7 House seat over the past year opened my eyes to how things work in politics. To make it in politics under the two party system, you have to compromise who you are and make endorsements that are against your better judgement. I saw it too many times with candidates I respect who were running against Billy Long, who saw Long for what he is, a political dolt. With that said, that truth appears to be shining again today as Sarah Steelman announces she will run for the US Senate Seat currently held by Claire McCaskill.

Why now Ms. Steelman? In 2009, you sat on the fence, not able to make your mind up to run for the seat currently held by Kit Bond, which heavy hitter Roy Blunt won last month. Through a bitter pre-primary get your feet wet while sitting on the fence brief campaign against Blunt, Steelman decided she didn't want to be a US Senator in 2010. Here we are just a month after the election and Steelman is now ready to go full steam ahead to become the Republican nominee for US Senate, and what a poor choice for a nominee it would be.

Steelman has proven to be a wheeler and dealer throughout her political career who wore tight blouses and short skirts to move up the ranks, and one has to ask, considering how she sat on the fence 2010 Senate race against Roy Blunt, what deals were made and with who to get her to get her out of the race in 2009 and not tarnish Roy Blunt with a negative primary like she did to Kenny Hulshof the year before in the Missouri gubernatorial race. Was the promise of GOP support made to Steelman in 2012 to convince her not to challenge Roy Blunt in this year's Republican primary? At this point, Steelman looks like the who's next in line candidate who didn't challenge the establishment, but played by their rules. Of course, she will describe herself as Tea Party in the coming months despite this obvious truth to those who paid attention over the last year and a half.